Art Here / Art Now: June 15th, 2017

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Listen as I interview Converge Gallery Director, John Yogodzinski and live from Los Angeles Australian Pop Artist Johnny Romeo about their current indiegogo campaign, Help Make Plastic Fantastic: celebrating 10 years of Johnny Romeo A Reality! John and Johnny will be discussing Converge’s efforts to publish "Plastic Fantastic: A Survey Of Paintings, 2007 - 2017" which takes a look back at the artist's illustrious career over the last decade, charting Romeo's trajectory from rambunctious punk-pop misfit to the Neo-Expressionist Pop juggernaut he is today. The campaign, which will also launch a new publishing division called Hive Publishing Co., will go towards the layout and initial printing of 500, full color hard cover books. Ambitious in scope and presentation, Plastic Fantastic is slated to be a full-color, hardcover book release featuring essays from esteemed art critics. The book is a bombastic celebration of a truly stellar Pop visionary leading the global charge in Neo-Expressionist Pop art. Tune in to Art Here / Art Now LIVE at 7pm on Thursday June, 15th on Find out more about Converge Gallery's indiegogo campaign at    

Author: Brian Spies

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